Saturday, November 14, 2009

Looking for extra work / hours

Every time I decide to make an effort to just take the car for a round of "who is hiring," something stops me: usually myself because I'm too tired or frustrated, or just bummed out; last minute details I forget for the students; someone needs my attention; not enough gas in the car and no extra money to put into it. I don't want to go back to a factory, no security; I can't stand on my feet for long hours: back, knee, and angle issues; tired of being tired. Excuses, yes, I know. Mentally, I can't take on a "real" thinking job; physically, my body won't accept much. Damn, I want to make more money, I just don't want to die for it. Another dilemma: make more money and Garry's medicaid / medicare gets changed, putting more cost on us. Without me making an extra $1,500 a month, what we would have to pay out would harm us more than help us. I do need full time work that pays well. I've been pushing the children to "care" for Garry more, but that isn't happening either. Now I'm thinking about filing as a full time caregiver to Garry and teach one or two classes if allowed. This way I know Garry is being cared for, the house is kept up so he can walk through. I still haven' t given up the idea of applying for work that would require me to relocate: Garry just won't go; so that means the children would have to tend to him, do what has to be done. This whole job issue and dealing with Garry's medical issues really rubs me every day. I'm tired of living from day to day like an animal searching to fill its stomach.

I had a conversation with my son-in-law today: we talked about what . . . crap! forget the presidents name during the depression . . . did to get the economy going again. Much of what we talked about was a socialist approach, which FDR--there it is!--used. Son-in-law is a history buff, and I remembered some things from readings (outside of the classroom for reports), but a point was made in the conversation: spread the wealth; time to close the gap between the poor and the rich. Within this conversation he mentioned a friend who said, "Then you'll make this a class society." Hell, we already are; what was my son-in-law's friend thinking! Brainwashed was the first word that came into mind. Why are Americans so closed minded?

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