Monday, November 16, 2009

Dream or Not to Dream

"The Cheek of God" spoke on a dream he had recently. His words made me think about the dream I had early this morning.

If I had time I would go into the dream full detail. Here is the short version. Remember the remake of "War of the Worlds"? I haven't watched that movie for over a year now, but anyhow, I see the ships shining their little lights to the ground searching and sucking up people. I suggest everyone go into the basement and get under the concrete flooring (our house has wood floors, except for one room). I see people outside fascinated taking pictures, making the whole scene a family outing. My dream jumps from herding the family to the basement to me being a slave by the alien race. I remember helping helping someone find an escape route, lying to my master who doesn't know about the underground tunnel, but never attempt to escape myself. I haven't been under their "control" for long. I'm dressed all in white. Many of us are herded out a door. I look for my slice on comfy shoes but am told that I do not need them, slaves are not allowed footwear. I say I need them. The master's reply, or at least one of them, "Where you are going, the journey you are taking, you will not need them." I remember thinking, "Why didn't I try to escape, why am I so complacent and willing to go with the flow, as if I don't have a mind of my own, and still help others." I don't like this dream. It frightens me. I say, "Dawn wake up, this is only a dream, this cannot be real. Wake up. If I don't wake, . . . ." My eyes open facing the wall. Am I relieved! While the dream had no violence, violence of some sort lurked about in the calm demeanor of the masters and the other slaves who had no will to escape. I did not want to go there but followed, looking back, remembering children and a husband as if another life, as if in a far off land, listening to screams in the far distance as we were led off on a road of white.

Now, interpret that!

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