Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ginet's first date since Derek left.

This coming Saturday Ginet has a date with a friend of her brothers. A group of guys and gals are going to the Haunted Cave. It was funny how this date came about. It started out dutch, everyone pay for themselves. Then Ginet realized she might not have the money to go after she gets her tattoo done earlier in the day -- Yeah, She Is Getting A Tat! She text the young man to let him she may not be able to go because she may not have the cash. He said he would spot for her. She laughed, realizing that now it was a date, not going as a group. What all of you don't know, this young man has had a crush on her for at least five years. He finally admitted it. He does know that she came out of a long term relationship and isn't looking for anything serious too soon, but he was glad to make it a date. Hope she has fun!

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