Sunday, July 4, 2010

Two Parties in One Day

Yesterday was a full day. I hadn't planned on being out all day. That statement should tell you I was gone aaaaaalllllll day. First, to cousin Mike's (hubby's cousin), where chicken, hot dogs, and hamburgers were made on the grill, a good amount of a noodle salad I've never had before, potato salad, and fruit fruit fruit! Stayed at Mike's four hours talking to people I haven't seen for a year, some more--and attempting to put what child went with what parent. While there, I was informed by my sister-in-law that Paul (brother-in-law) was having a cook out. The two parties only blocks from each other. So, Gin, Kyla, and I went to Paul's. I hadn't planned on staying long, just dropping by to say hello. We did leave, only to come back because Gin wanted to see Jimmy (a boy who took some interest in her before), who came in with her two cousins as we were leaving. And on top of it, my bladder struck. I turned around. We didn't leave until 9:30 or 10:00. (Nephew) Corey had all three of his daughters with him, the littlest I've only seen in pictures; and (nephew) Chris was there as well: took me an hour to realize it was him, it had been soooooo long since I've seen him. I played some poker, a game I haven't played since my teen years. Forgotten soooooo much. Corey, found me a cheat sheet. Needless to say, I lost track of time, was supposed to babysit for a few hours (little Tadan) that night. Then, there were two calls, no make that four calls (two while at Mike's, two while at Paul's) from hubby insisting I wasn't supposed to be out all day, that the replacement fridge needed my attention, and he wanted his $10.00. After the last call, I was so distracted, I couldn't concentrate on the game. Why is it he wants to spoil any fun I may have. I'm sure his sister, his nephews, and their wives caught my words: "I'm with your family!" (I'm sure they all caught the meaning behind that one.) I know all those phone calls were more than wanting his bit of allowance for the month. His words were, before I left that day, "They all are drunks ya know!" Yeah, the family was drinking, but none were plastered. The only thing I feel guilty about is forgetting about babysitting. The rest perturbs me.

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