Saturday, June 19, 2010

Is there something to post?

Actually, I have not much to give. Boredom strikes me too often. I find myself fighting to be motivated. Those things I want to do I cannot: limited paints, can't find the wood I saved to be creative (think the wood was thrown out when several people was specifically told "do not touch"), the weather interferes with plans, I don't have cable to see the World Cup, car is in need of three hundred dollar repair (so not much traveling done). I attempt to fill the boredom with exercise, walking (which I cannot stand--prefer a bike), writing more gibberish than I normally do, but always scheduling specific times to look for a job, write / revise / edit my words, research Conrad, Harjo, and Cliffton--oral traditions found in their work, and read whatever I want. I don't mind having time on my hand, but I hate not having money, which would enable in filling that time. As for the walk, because I know someone will mention walk to a destination, living where I do makes it difficult to get anywhere--a walk up and down my road is the only safe destination, walking Goshen IS NOT an option (although I see many doing it; drivers don't pay attention well enough, using the gravel berm for a passing lane).

I sit in boredom writing this now, listening to the television in the background, seeing clouds float by out my front door, wondering if I read some more on my research--will I soak it up, or should I sweep the floor to lay out the mats to exercise, take that walk up and down the road, or decide I don't need to be busy today? I wish our pool was up. The pump went out for the . . . whatever it is called that keeps the pool clean.

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