Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Attempting to keep my writing habit whole

I go through these damn stages where I don't want to write a damn thing. When I do this, I feel bored, so bored, that I do the unthinkable: eat. Then, when I want to write, something always gets in my way. I can never have a happy medium. Okay, I didn't get to pick up my novel this morning to revise as I wanted. Tomorrow seems as if my time will be spent dealing with medicaid, again! Not for husband this time, for daughter. It is a never ending battle! My daughter is supposed to be on medicaid disability. For some odd reason they had her on something else I guess, and now are canceling her services. Well, here is to a week worth of phone calls that will begin tomorrow, a week worth of being jumped from place to place and being put on hold.

Argh! Okay. Back to the title. Well, just to write about anything is better than nothing; and as I stated in the post prier to this one, limited funds in replenishing my other artful activity: painting--haven't had the chance to get the chalk out yet, too much damn rain! I mess with the chalk outdoors. Don't bring it indoors if at all possible. Still can't find my wood. Can't make my hats right now because my last needle broke (the needle that helps hide all the straggling yarn to be tied off).

Hmmm, I did get The Required Silence of Women sent out to two places (or was it three?). I did so much research and inquiries, I can't remember if I managed a third place. Also, The Beasthood was sent to two places. Really want to have my novel revised by the end of the summer. I know it will be hard to look for publishers while teaching, but I'll do it somehow. Of course I'm looking right now as well; however, I know it will be a very long process.

Man, the material I am gathering for the paper I want to write! I'm trying to determine exactly what the focus will be! I pulled out two of my old papers from two different classes to combine them. They won't exactly be combined, they'll be revamped into one, pulling certain information out, to create a new paper. While doing this research, I noticed that my writing has a flavor for attempting the oral tradition, and find my novel lacking lust. Now I'm questioning who the novel should be geared towards: the reader who is use to the traditional novel, or the reader who is seeking a bit of a challenge? I'm leaning towards the latter.

I guess I've ranted enough today. I guess I did my writing. One days worth of habit done.

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