Thursday, August 20, 2009


When love is not madness, it is not love. ~ Pedro Calderon de la Barca

I just read this quote on the blog “Cheek of God.” Interesting that the quote would appear with the madness happening in my home, and the home of the family that houses Ginet’s ex. Michelle stays in connect with Ginet, which is very welcomed, because if Ginny won’t listen to me, she usually listens to Michelle. Why I am here to post isn’t for myself, actually, it is for Michelle. Her mother is very ill, in much pain, and won’t be on the earth much longer. Michelle told me that they cannot find where the cancer started, and treatments have failed. Last night as I was speaking to Michelle, something happened and she had to let me go, immediately. I found out today that her mother took a drastic downfall in her health in a few minutes. Please pray for Michelle Potts and her family as they go through this hard time. My problems, and Ginet’s, seem so small compared to dealing with a dying parent / grandparent.

Michelle, our thoughts are with you.

On another note:

Ginet had surgery today on her wrist to remove a cyst. Nothing tragic happened, but a little worried. This is the second time her blood pressure has risen considerably. The doctor and I think it may have been nerves, or fright, but Ginet said she was fine until she felt the drowsiness hit her from the medication. She felt like she couldn’t breathe. This same thing has happened to me, but not with what is called a “local.” As soon as she felt like she couldn’t breathe, she heard them say the number 180, which was the top number of her blood pressure. The doctor said she shot up to 180 over 90. Not good. Yesterday, at a doctor visit, she was 90 over 50. Something isn’t right. Now a vigilant watch. Maybe there is something that is being missed dealing with her heart problem.

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