Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Being Consumed

Ha! What do you think I mean by that?

I'm attempting to make blankets and hats to sell, find a job, and take care of paper work dealing with the whole damn process of SS and medicaid for Garry and Ginet. Obama's screwed up everything dealing with Garry's SS! Yes, Obama. This new . . . whatever it is he is doing, has caused less money coming on his check to pay for insurance. And then, medicaid is saying he makes too much and must have a spend down of $705.00 a year. In two months the spend down will be done, but in the mean time, where the hell am I going to get the money for his meds and his doctor visits? Two of his meds cost over a hunderd dollars a month. What type of help is this? (And forgive me if I spelled the presidents name wrong. I think there is an 'h' in there somewhere, but have't remembered exactly where it goes.) So, he loses $100 a month from SS, and has to spend money out of his pocket. What is the thinking here? Already poor, and now . . . ; yeah, I get the idea--kill off the poor! Extreme, yes, but that is how I feel. Hmm, send Obama the bill for Garry's meds?

Anyone have a suggestion, other than writing everyone? I'm so tired of dealing with paperwork, and more paperwork, and then fighting with all this lousy government garbage, which is supposed to help, and then turns out to be more work. I spend more time dealing with government issues than looking for a job!

Well, that isn't the only thing hampering my job search. Children who don't get the idea that cleaning takes place everyday, all day. I've been doing spring cleaning, and in the middle of all the spring cleaning, "children" don't want to keep up with dishes, laundry, and general cleaning--especially the bathroom! What am I complaining about anyway, they didn't even do it when I was working or going to school. Need a job I can do from home on the computer. Staying up late isn't an issue, and if it takes eight hours for me to get the house clean everyday, then I can skip all programs (as I've come use to doing anyway) to do paying work. I do take weekends off, but having to leave the house for work and then come home to clean wears me out much quicker. Don't know if this makes any sense. When I'm home during the day, I can stay on top of things. When I'm not, everything stacks up and makes the clean up that much harder. Okay, okay, then how does things stay clean during the weekend? Monday is hell! Yeah, yeah, I know, put your foot down. I do. It last about one day, two if lucky, then they all disappear each day when chores are needed to be done. I've even been pushing them out the door to get work, anywhere! They're younger than me, and can take slop jobs of physical labor.

Done with all this ranting. LORD give me a job I can do without stressing!


  1. I hate to say it, but they know how to work you and your guilt. How old are the kids? My parents kicked me out when I was 24 and I managed. Dad did drop off fresh vegetables one in a while, but that was about it.

  2. Time to get out age, except for the last, who still has another year of school left. One worry, and I don't want to air it here. I'll e-mail you; you do have an ipfw e-mail, correct?

  3. I feel ill-qualified to give advice or voice an opinion. Just want to say, I'm still here, reading.
