Friday, March 26, 2010


The past week, the family's oldest dog as been ill. First we thought he dug into the hamhock bones tossed in our pile for fertilizer. Now, today, we know that he is coming to the end. The old man, as we have come to call him, is 14 years old. While some will be upset because we didn't take him to a vet to have him put down, first I must say is tat dying of old age is a natural stage of being, secondly, a person must have the cash to do so. As a human, I prefer to die at home with people I know. Do animals think this way? I don't know. Then there is the family leaving it up to mom to do the "necessary" chore. If they cannot do the necessary chore, what makes them think I can? Did I talk myself out of it, did I cop out with the words I wrote above? Yes. No. I did my best.

1 comment:

  1. When our beloved family dog passed away a year ago, she did so in my mother's arms.
