Monday, February 9, 2009

Thank you classmates

I want to say thank you to those who posted a response to week three. I am happy to see that you felt sorrow, but did not take pity; pity doesn't help me, it only holds me back. Any ideas you can swing my way would be of great help, and greatly appreciated! We've already fought Medicaid, and won (to receive it); fought SS, and won; now the fight is on to change Medicaids mind about experimental test and medicines. Of course, that isn't the only challenge we have: the house needs to be enlarged. In two years, we've managed getting the new sewer lines in for the extension. I'm hoping this spring will bring about the foundation and walls (at least the foundation). Biggest challenge is MONEY to do what is needed, and then to fit everyone's schedules together to do the job. We're do it yourself people, which Garry misses tremendously. The best he can do is supervise from his window on bad days, and on good days, take his cane and find a spot where a chair can be placed with enough area to do a little walking when sitting becomes to much. Hmm, wonder how it's going to work since he has to nap about six times a day.

Enough of this. Thinking out loud too much.

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