Saturday, February 14, 2015


There was a heated debate about the use of wiki under one of my post on FaceBook. The idea of arguing such made me mad. I knew when my fiance posted the wiki information that someone would say something. I almost said something myself but understood his reasoning for this post before asking him--some good sources are available to lead you to the best information instead of him doing the work for someone else. I knew someone would make a remark--one of my two friends. Then, the debate begin. I recognized the heat immediately. Both persons had valid points though couldn't see beyond each others ways of thinking. I don't like it when my friends seem to place me in the middle--even if they didn't or didn't intend to. I can't stand conflict of any type. I'm always attempting to keep the peace. Even when I want to argue my point, I'm careful about how I say it. I don't like hurting anyone unless it is absolutely necessary to get a good solid point across because the person has decided not to look at all the angles before making a decision. I guess it is time for me to be blunt: I'M NOT A PEACEKEEPER ANYMORE! FUCK YOU ALL! I won't post this on FB because I won't make waves. (Once again, I cannot stand conflict; it nauseates me, literally.) This is my ranting page, and I will use it for exactly that. Anyhow, this is what was said by me about wiki:

As an educator, wiki is not a source to be on a work cited page because it is inconstant change by many; however, it is a source to begin finding other sources that will ultimately be worthy or unworthy. Even the unworthy can help in research by establishing falsifications believed by the general population. I don't condone the use of wiki as a reliable source, only a source to begin groundwork--though wiki can be very reliable as long as everything has been cited. There are far worse sites than wiki on the internet. Many are seen on FB. Teaching students how to use sources reliably is key, and part of my discussion in the classroom every semester. You would be surprised how many teachers allow students to use wiki as an acceptable source for essays. It isn't that wiki is a "no good" site; It's a site that isn't always reliable. With that said, there are written sources just as unreliable and often less reliable then wiki. (Edited--after getting onto the computer)