Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I read that post about "no name." Strangely, that person I could not name was the beginning of knowing I was broken and that it was okay to be broken. I had to know I was broken to mend myself. I had to see the broken me. Being broken isn't bad. I have to say we are all broken in some way. Some of us have great brokenness, some of us small brokenness--usually unnoticeable. (The unnoticeable brokenness is usually the unwillingness to see, or what you have been taught as acceptable.) People are broken because people are human. Humanity isn't perfect. This is a fact. Now, with that said, there is a wholeness in the brokenness. If a person never knows s/he is broken, I believe, s/he will never know her- / himself. If a person cannot see the break, the same errors are made. The question probably becomes if the person likes the cycle. Some cycles are hard to stop. I've realized that all I can do is mend those areas and keep a watch for those scars to break open. Those scars never go away. Those scars are there for a purpose. Those scars are a reminder of where you were and where you are going and who you are to become., and a reminder that YOU ARE HUMAN. Human is being an adventure. What is your goal in your becoming? Will you reach that goal? Who is it you want to be? I cannot name that goal, or can any other person. Remember, being broken isn't bad. Being broken is experience and what you do with that experience to become.