Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I made this site to rant, did I not? Here is my rant:

I have come up against the issue of students' believing that revision doesn't need to be done after I have reviewed and made comments on their drafts to help them, only to get the SAME exact draft returned as a final. Then . . . then! . . . to have a student plagiarize and say "It's a misunderstanding"! Misunderstanding? What? When all I have done is STRESSED no plagiarism, saying the essay is ALL YOURS, WRITTEN BY YOU, WITH YOUR WORDS. Even a simple journal plagiarized! My nerves are at an end. I no longer want to instruct. I want another job. There's, also, playing the discrimination card; yes, saying I discriminated because the student ISN'T making the grade s/he believes s/he should have: "I must have an 'A.' If I don't get an 'A,' my perfect GPA is messed up; I won't get into nursing," and on and on and on. PLEASE, really, now, if I was discriminating, all the students that were another race wouldn't be passing or getting much less. I'M DONE! I am searching for a different job, only to hear, "Your education makes you over qualified; this isn't a job for you; you can do much more; blah blah blah." Guess what?! If I wanted to do something else, I wouldn't be applying. I'm not an idiot! I need out of education! Tired of husbands getting in the mix, as if a wife can't take care of herself; tired of the "helicopter" parent pushing his or her agenda for an adult child; tired of students thinking "You owe me; I paid for this class; since I work and raise children, you can't be tough on me." GARBAGE. I went to college while raising FOUR children and working part time and married and taking care of a house! You choose the path, you do the path, or get off of that path! I OWE YOU NOTHING BUT A THE BEST EDUCATION POSSIBLE! So, here I am, looking for a different career. The career I want . . . --it is a slow process to make it, to become, to be recognized. For now, I will take the simple receptionist work until my work is published. If publication doesn't come, . . . . It is time to put my work in a self made book and kept, in hopes to be released another time or online--an ebook. I don't want to. There's no real money in that unless, once again, YOU ARE FOUND. However, it is about getting my work to the public, getting my work read, getting my work to the people for my benefit and satisfaction in hoping they are getting the same.

As soon as I'm offered a position where I don't have to give grades, I'm out of the education field. My nerves can't do it!