Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time has gone by . . . .

Yes, time has gone by, most quickly, and yet . . . time has been slow. Which is it? I don't know. It has been over a year since Vincent was found with cancer (09/26/2010). It has been over a year since my separation (12/22/2010). The divorce finalized last year (11/04/2011--same day I read for First Friday at the Three Rivers Coop on Sherman Street in Fort Wayne, IN.). Ironic? I read freeing pieces, pieces that spoke much about how I could breathe, and do breathe, now. So, where am I? I'm still instructing composition. I'm still writing. I'm still looking for work that brings home the bucks. I'm dating . . . and dating . . . and . . . just dating (giggling, because it is fun and it is a headache). I think back to all that happened since just before 09/2010. Seems so long ago, and not so far away. The evilness of time.

Here's to life. Here's to being single. Here's to dating. Here's to the struggles. Here's to once being married.

Married: I started this blog because of my ex-husband's disability and how it effected me and the children. I was hoping for something to help me explore how to keep my sanity, to help me cope, to help me help him. I forgot, a person can't help another unless that said person wants help. I kept fighting to stay "in" love. While most will tell me it isn't impossible, it becomes impossible when the partner fails to listen to the partner--hey, we're drowning here! Well, all the best to my ex. I wish him no harm.

Plenty with that above. Dear children, especially my daughters, do remember I am your mother, and there is a verse that you have not remembered: honor your parents--that includes me! regardless of how you feel about what has happened between your father and I. One thing that I do hold against your father, telling you children things that happened that was between him and I, no one else. Here is a tidbit that I kept as a secret for years: when your aunt Dawn was going through her divorce, your father looked at me, said, "You ever leave me, I'll take the children, and you'll never see them again." While he can't physically steel you away, he has emotionally, keeping said promise. Revenge tactic? No. a statement of truth to show how your father is thinking, and does think. I doubt you ever read this, but to those others that do, NEVER USE YOUR CHILDREN.

Well, I'll be back again. How soon, I don't know, but I will be back.

So long.