Thursday, May 19, 2011

Proceedings to Begin

It has been many months since I have been here. Much has happened in those months. I don't know if there is time to put it all down here, at least not tonight. I have been accused of much.  I do not attempt to defend myself because the mind of those who accuse are set on what they believe. Time is my ally now; pain is my guest for this time; friendships are my leaning post. Ginet will not speak to me unless absolutely necessary. Jess is Jess, but bitter with me often. David takes no sides, which is the way it should be. Vincent . . . well, he deals with his issue. He isn't happy about dad and me, but he will survive.

Vincent's cancer appears to be gone, but nothing can be positively concluded until September when most of the scar tissue from radiation has subsided, leaving the doctors to see what is "really" there. Chemotherapy does not fair well with Vincent. Treatments have been altered three times since February. The doctors believe that therapy might have to be stopped because his body cannot take it. He has had at least four transfusions that I can remember, but I believe it is more; and one transfusion--beyond the regular transfusions--has been for platelets. Half of Vincent's bone marrow is depleted. Pretty much, if he gets cancer again, he won't make it. Steroids are tearing up his body. I keep praying he will be off of them soon. Well, so is the chemo. Vincent struggles to be motivated to do his physical therapy, his occupational therapy, and speech therapy. His stroke has made him become weak hearted mentally, feeling as if there is no need to do anything. Prayers please.